Hurricane Michael

Hurricane Michael

As with Hurricane Florence, Harvey and Maria, many animals were hurt during those storms and AniCell provided heavily discounted products in order to help veterinarians treat wounds and other disabling indications. We are certain that Michael will be no different so...
AniCell Fall 2018 Update

AniCell Fall 2018 Update

IN THIS ISSUE: Safety First AND Second New Interesting Cases Looking for Stallions with Low Semen Count/Low Sperm Motility Half-Price Products for Hurricane Florence Victims Fall Conference Season Miracle Mares for 2019 Fall Specials Here in Arizona, we always know...
Ludo’s Habronema Wound

Ludo’s Habronema Wound

Ludo’s Habronema Wound After dealing with a chronic habronema wound (summer soar) for two years, Renae Coats of RCR Farms contacted Dr. Scott Meyer of Desert Mountain Equine to look at the wound.  Ludo, a 14-year-old warm-blood gelding and Grand Prix champion...
Oronasal Fistula

Oronasal Fistula

Dr. med. vet Almut Reinicke referred a non-healing oronasal fistula in a 20-year-old mare to Dr. Richard Miller DVM, an equine dental specialist from Coto de Caza, California.  This fistula was the result of an extraction of 206 fractured premolar discovered on a...
Sooner’s Eye Issue

Sooner’s Eye Issue

Sooner, a 10-year-old Quarter Horse gelding presented with a Descemet’s membrane protruding through a corneal laceration to Dr. Larry Letner, veterinarian and owner of North Missouri Large Animal Clinic in Harris, MO.  This eye case had been referred to Dr....
Corneal Sequestrum Managed with AniCell AniOcular

Corneal Sequestrum Managed with AniCell AniOcular

Dempsey’s corneal sequestrum managed using regenerative  amnion graft As seen on Dempsey is an adorable 8-year-old domestic long hair cat who was suffering from a chronic non-healing corneal...
AniCell Fall 2018 Update

AniCell Summer 2018 Update

IN THIS ISSUE: Safety First Texas Equine Veterinary Conference Lots of new faces – Growth is Good North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference Summer Special Summer is here, and this means a lot of things for AniCell. We completed our collection...
AniCell Fall 2018 Update

AniCell Spring 2018 Update

IN THIS ISSUE: Dr. Cissell’s presentations Saving Paws and Hooves New Case Studies Thanks to our Donors Interns-a-Plenty Most of you are finally thawing out and for those in the east, I am sure consistent sunshine could not come soon enough. Meanwhile,...
Dr. Cissell Regenerative Medicine Presentation

Dr. Cissell Regenerative Medicine Presentation

AniCell’s Technical Veterinarian Mike Cissell hosted by the AZ VMA discusses the science and application of today’s regenerative medicine. Arizona VMA hosted Dr. Mike Cissell DVM MS DACVS in an online presentation about advancements in regenerative...
AniCell Fall 2018 Update

AniCell Winter 2018 Update

IN THIS ISSUE: Welcome Dr. Cissell Temperature Independent Products Miracle Donors New Case Studies ISELP Sponsorship and Conferences Interns Find-A-Vet Partner Program This may be our Winter Newsletter, but we hope you are all starting to see signs of Spring wherever...
AniCell Fall 2018 Update

AniCell Summer 2017 Update – Science Edition

IN THIS ISSUE: Lots of new animal science on Amnion North Carolina State University Research Study – StemWrap accelerates wound healing Autonomous University of Ciudad Juarez Research – StemWrap accelerates bone healing Usage Videos New Articles Madi...
Madi – Canine Wound Case Study uses StemWrap

Madi – Canine Wound Case Study uses StemWrap

Case Overview:  Amnion used for a non-healing wound on Madi, 6-year-old Goldendoodle.      AniCell Company Overview AniCell is an Arizona-based Biotech that extends the ACTIVE life of animals using amniotic material to create all-natural regenerative products for...
What does it mean to be an AniCell Miracle Donor?

What does it mean to be an AniCell Miracle Donor?

 Let AniCell foal out your mare. Have you ever thought of what a gift life truly is?  Or better yet, the blessing that is a new born animal or baby?  It is these very events that give us the blessing of amnion that can be used to create such an amazing regenerative...
AniCell Fall 2018 Update

AniCell Spring 2017 Update

IN THIS ISSUE: Venture Madness StemWrap Clinical Trial MWI Animal Health Collection Season – New Testing Lots of new Press Our new Website Pablo’s Story – (Feature) Spring “back-to-work” Special – Buy an AniMatrX for one of your horses or...
AniCell Makes Top 64 in Arizona Venture Madness

AniCell Makes Top 64 in Arizona Venture Madness

Original post from Invest Southwest PHOENIX (January 17, 2017) –  The top 64 startups for the 2017 Arizona Venture Madness competition have been chosen by Invest Southwest and the Arizona Commerce Authority. Online voting for the $5,000 People’s Choice award begins...
Pablo’s Story

Pablo’s Story

In January, Haley’s 19-year-old barrel horse, Pablo, injured himself at a Junior Rodeo. Come to find out, he had a thickening of the bilateral annular ligaments and ultrasounds showed evidence of ligament damage we suspect happened prior to us getting him. For four...
Merry Christmas and Holiday Greetings from AniCell

Merry Christmas and Holiday Greetings from AniCell

Happy Holidays All! ‘Tis the season to be thankful and here at AniCell, we are all very grateful for you and your support! We do not take lightly the trust you’ve exhibited in using our products on your patients with our products and the ongoing commitment...
AniCell Winter 2016 Newsletter

AniCell Winter 2016 Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE Highlights from the North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference American Association of Equine Practitioners Conference World Stem Cell Conference It’s All About the 2016 Results New Website and Product Branding   North American...
The placenta is a gift that keeps on giving

The placenta is a gift that keeps on giving

Original post from Bradenton Herald by Katie Powers Birth is very exciting because a new baby has come into the world. Shortly after the baby is born another exciting thing happens, the placenta exits the uterus. The placenta is an amazing organ. It forms around the...
AniCell Fall 2016 Newsletter

AniCell Fall 2016 Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE Canine & Equine Clinical Trials MWI Distribution Agreement BioScaff Line 2016 Conference Season   Clinical Trials for Dogs and Horses Fall is upon us and AniCell’s products continue to increase in usage among veterinarians and accumulate...
AniCell Summer 2016 Newsletter

AniCell Summer 2016 Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE  BioScaff Surgical Products Clinical Trials for both Dogs and Horses New Joint Case Study Grant Award of $250,000 What an incredible last couple of months! AniCell had a great collection season and is excited to introduce our new BioScaff line of...
AniCell Biotech launches regenerative products for dogs

AniCell Biotech launches regenerative products for dogs

Featured on the Farm and Ranch Report on Audio version of this report by KayDee Gilkey, reporter AniCell Biotech has recently announced that it has a line of exciting regenerative products for dogs’ tissue related issues.  AniCell Biotech CEO Brandon Ames...
AniCell Biotech provides regenerative products for horses

AniCell Biotech provides regenerative products for horses

Featured on the Farm and Ranch Report on Audio version of this report by KayDee Gilkey, reporter AniCell Biotech is a relatively new company that has exciting regenerative products for horses’ tendon and ligament damages and hard-to-heal superficial wounds...
Elmo Update: How he went from this to this?

Elmo Update: How he went from this to this?

Update to blog post Elmo is tickled to keep his eye Every horse owner had a starter horse; the horse that fueled your passion and challenged you to be a better horse person. If you were really young, that horse was a pony and the challenges were multiplied. Mine was...
Elmo is tickled to keep his eye

Elmo is tickled to keep his eye

AniCell is a biotech company that extends the active life of animals through the development of quality biologic products that aid in wound management.  Its initial product focuses on the use of amnion-derived bioscaffold material and growth factors.  These...
What do horses and tornados have in common?

What do horses and tornados have in common?

The sound of sirens, the darkness of the skies, the uncontrollable wind … all are the telltale signs of one of mother nature’s most devastating natural disasters. They show up in an instant and can cause wide spread destruction indiscriminately across towns,...
Healing wounds in animals that just don’t want to heal.

Healing wounds in animals that just don’t want to heal.

Have you ever had a wound on your horse that just will not heal?  Or how about the wound that consistently grows proud flesh no matter how many times you have cut and cauterized. These wounds are the bane of our horse owning existence. Preserved amniotic membrane and...