AniCell Winter 2018 Update

Welcome Dr. Cissell
Temperature Independent Products
Miracle Donors
New Case Studies
ISELP Sponsorship and Conferences
Partner Program
If you have suggestions or questions we always want to hear from you!
Welcome Dr. Cissell, DVM, DAVCS our New Technical Vet
Dr. Mike Cissell joined the AniCell team at the beginning of the year. We are very excited to have him join us! He has started the year with a bang, having already visited some of you in Florida, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma.
Should you have questions about the clinical use of the products, Dr. Cissell is available. He will also be speaking at some upcoming conferences about the use of regenerative medicine in practice. Read the Press Release to find out more about him!
New Temperature Independent Products!
If you haven’t heard, we announced in December our new Temperature Independent line of regenerative products. The new AniCell D-Line has become the first implantable, amnion-derived regenerative products ever to be stored at ambient temperatures and able to be reconstituted in the field for animals. This is great news for all clinics! You no longer need to order and have our products shipped overnight. They can be on your shelf when you need them most! Check out the full press release here:
Miracle Donor Program in Full Swing!
Our first set of Miracle Mares are on the ranch! We are looking forward to having foals running and playing in our pastures soon. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see pictures of these foals!
We also did our first canine collection of the year, thanks to BooBoo and Dr. Emily Clinton at Squaw Peak Animal Hospital. BooBoo and her 4 puppies (pictured above) are all healthy and back at home.

New Case Studies and Treatment Videos!
We have posted several new canine case studies on our website. Be sure to check out Vet Access to get the latest and greatest on what we have been treating!
There is a new equine treatment video coming to Vet Access this week!
AniCell Appreciates our Interns!
(Pictured to the right are our interns learning about milk testing)
AniCell’s 2018 Internship Program is off and running and growing fast! This year’s program includes 4 High School Seniors and 9 students from grades 9-11. All of the interns for this season come to us from BASIS Chandler. The students gain experience in the lab, on the ranch, and the seniors conduct a Research Project that is presented publicly before they graduate.
We are grateful to our interns and enjoy having them around Ranch!

Upcoming Conferences
Speaking of upcoming conferences, March and April are shaping up to be busy months for us! We are headed to Lincoln, Nebraska, Ocala, Florida, and Delaware for various speaking engagements and conferences. If you are in one of those states, Dr. Cissell would love to stop by and introduce himself. He will be sending an email to the specific areas he will visit and his dates, be sure to watch for it!

ISELP Sponsorship
We have joined ISELP as a new Continental Sponsor. We are excited about this partnership! Dr. Cissell, Brandon and a few of our sales reps went to the first 3-day module of the year, right here in Phoenix. It was a great success and we learned so much. We are excited about all of the upcoming modules.

Find-A-Vet Deployed!
If you haven’t already heard, we launched our Find-A-Vet program in the Fall on our website. If you have used our products in the past, your name will automatically be added to our list of participating veterinarians.
It is a wonderful benefit for our veterinarian customers and a great tool for pet owners.
Vet-Talk Discussion Group
AniCell now has a community forum/discussion group to share treatments and success stories:
Many of you have asked for a discussion thread for asking questions and sharing latest uses of AniCell products. To answer these requests, AniCell launched Vet-Talk that gives veterinarians a peer-to-peer private space in Vet-Access to share ideas and ask questions of other Vets about AniCell’s products. Dr. Mike Cissell DVM MS DACVS, Dr. Moises Barcelo DVM MS Ph.D. and Dr. Stephanie Lemus DVM of AniCell will monitor with feedback to questions if needed. Please login to Vet Access and take a look.

Partner Program!
Don’t forget about the great benefits of our partner program. All the details are listed below!
Let us know how we can help you better:
AniCell has treated over 1200 animals in just the last 24 months and is continuing to grow rapidly with our regenerative treatments. We have only been able to make this happen through working in partnership with our customers. Please let us know how we can serve you better. Many of you have participated in helping us serve you better and we are so grateful for your feedback. Please let us know what we can do to help by emailing us to send us your thoughts or simply call us at the number below:
Thanks again for collaborating to naturally extend the ACTIVE life of animals….
Contact us to find out how AniCell treatments are extending the active life of animals.