AniCell Stallions Reproductive Health Phase II Field Trial


AniCell has developed a new all-natural regenerative amnion-based product for use in stallions with low sperm motility and semen count. We are taking applications until Friday, November 16th.

The intravenous application of our amnion products has not resulted in a single safety event in the over one hundred applications that we have had in the last two years. Our phase one trial of this product has shown significant results in the cases we have done.

We are seeking stallions with chronic reproductive issues for a limited Phase II Field Trial. This field trial will require a singular application of the product and four semen collections: (1) prior to application, (2) four-weeks post, (3) eight-weeks post and (4) twelve-weeks post. 

To qualify, you must:

  • be a State-Licensed Veterinarian with an active Equine Reproduction Practice
  • have access to multiple cases
  • be passionate about keeping current in new practices for best Standards of Care
  • be interested in an innovative approach to reproduction issues in the Equine Model
  • be disciplined in the documentation of results in the online electronic data capture system
  • be able to perform the following assessments: Semen Number/Concentration, Sperm Motility, Semen Volume, Sperm Morphology, and Testicular Size. Sperm Chromatin Quality, Acrosomal Integrity/Function and Hormone Levels will be optional. 

Candidates must be:

  • stallions with documented chronic reproductive health issues.

During this trial, you will have the complete support of AniCell key personnel including scientists, research veterinarians, and online electronic data capture. If a stallion is accepted into the trial, the product will be delivered at half price for treatment. For completion of the data gathering and your time on the study, you will receive a second half-priced sample of the product for use on other candidates.

If you are interested, please complete this 90-second, on-line application/questionnaire to determine if your candidates qualify.

This will be a restricted trial with participants limited to 50 total stallions.

Please confer with your veterinary to sign up for this trial.

Contact us with questions at our trial hotline at 480-477-0150 or at

Contact us to find out how AniCell treatments are extending the active life of animals.