The Collection of Amnion

The Collection of Amnion

The Collection of Amnion
The amniotic material is collected non-invasively during the birthing of new healthy foals and puppies. These blessings are then recycled to produce revolutionary new products for common injuries in horses and dogs such as ligament and tendon injuries, ocular ulcers, bone fractures or superficial wounds.
For horses, the mare resides at the state of the art AniCell birthing facility in Gilbert, Arizona during the final month of gestation. This allows the mare to be monitored constantly and the developing foal to build antibodies to the new environment prior to birth. Once the birth takes place, the owner takes the mare and foal home.
For dogs, the amniotic material is collected at a veterinarian’s clinic during a routine C-section of hard-to-birth dogs such as English Bulldogs.
AniCell is dedicated to the non-invasive collection of amnion. Our patented process is veterinarian-led with the health of the mare and foal paramount first and foremost. Unlike other biologic therapies, our methods are completely safe and do not involve any unwanted foals or breeding farms for the express purpose of creating a product.
Our “Miracle Donor Mares” are brought to our ranch by loving owners because of the amazing treatment they receive by our trained and experienced staff. Each mare is treated like a queen. Just see how they are treated each day:
45 minutes of exercise per day
10 minutes of grooming each day
Bathed weekly – Hot water equipped
At least 4 hours pasture time each day
Stalls cleaned morning and night
Horses blanketed nightly should conditions necessitate.
Fly treatment of stalls and horse
- 24 x 7 observation during the final week of foaling
Video Surveillance of barn area – Full video of the birthing process
Delivery assistance by a veterinarian
Padded stalls with shavings or straw bedding
Customized Prenatal feed program with the choice of alfalfa or grass hay
For more information on AniCell products, contact us.