Merry Christmas and Holiday Greetings from AniCell
Happy Holidays All!
‘Tis the season to be thankful and here at AniCell, we are all very grateful for you and your support! We do not take lightly the trust you’ve exhibited in using our products on your patients with our products and the ongoing commitment you’ve shown to this wonderful technology.
As 2016, draws to a close we have so very much to be grateful for:
You entrusted us to successfully supply 924 of your clients’ beloved horses and companion animals this year.
We have an efficacy rate of 83.95% with an affordable, all-natural, non-invasive, safe product.
We extended our provisional patent filing to a global patent under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).
We successfully presented at both the World Stem Cell Conference and North American Regenerative Medicine Conference.
Onboard MWI as our distribution partner.
Launched our new BioScaff surgical product line.
And so very much to look forward to in 2017:
Our initial science results showing bone and wound healing twice as fast as controls.
Wound and joint clinical trials in horses and dogs.
More and more owners reaching out to us to learn about our products.
More and more veterinarians including AniCell in their standard of care and referring us to their friends and colleagues.
A new website making it more convenient for you to explain our products to your customers.
A team committed to the extending the ACTIVE life of animals: Dr. Barcelo, Amanda, Linda, Michael, Rena, Dr. Culp, Chris, Shawn, Lela, Jennie, Winnie, Lorrie, Christine, Tom, Jay, Ed, Steve, Mike & Doc.
Embarking on this journey has been a labor of love in honor of Matti and Emma, two of my family’s AQHA show horses chemically foundered due to a lethal interaction of two different corticosteroids. We are excited to play a part in preventing these devastating types of losses by providing all-natural, immune privileged, regenerative bioscaffolds that extend the ACTIVE life of animals without harmful side effects.
We look forward to working with you and extending the ACTIVE life of animals in 2017 and beyond!
Brandon Ames
AniCell Biotech President/CEO
Contact us to find out how AniCell Products are extending the ACTIVE life of animals.