Madi – Canine Wound Case Study uses StemWrap
Case Overview: Amnion used for a non-healing wound on Madi, 6-year-old Goldendoodle.
   AniCell Company Overview
AniCell is an Arizona-based Biotech that extends the ACTIVE life of animals using amniotic material to create all-natural regenerative products for veterinarians to use on tissue-related injuries. Unlike our service-based competitors who harvest tissue by creating wounds to cure wounds or big pharma drugs which treat symptoms, AniCell produces, with no harm to animals, affordable, field-ready products available the same day as diagnosis.  This is a case using our CanisCell StemWrap product line.
   Case Description â Canine Leg Wound
Madi is a 6-year-old Goldendoodle who in October of 2016, was viciously attacked by a dog. Madi had massive lacerations to her left rear leg and after multiple surgeries, what referred to Southern California Veterinary Specialty Hospital. When she was referred in December, she had a nasty infection which included Enterococcus, Enterobacter, and Escherichia Coli. After 6 weeks of tie over bandages with Manuka honey or Calcium Alginate pads, the wound was at a standstill and wasnât getting any smaller.
On February 8th, 2017, the measured 63cm2. Â Dr. Adam Gassel and Dr. Gail Donner treated the wound one time with CanisCell StemWrap and injected StemWrap+ in the healthy tissue around the wound.
The dog was brought back on February 13th for a bandage change. At that visit, the wound measured 42.5cm2 and the tissue looked so much healthier.
Finally, on February 15th, the wound measured 35.25cm2 and in just 8 days had decrease 61% so that it could be closed after a month and a half of being at a standstill.
Contact us to find out how AniCell Products are extending the ACTIVE life of animals.