Luna’s Distal Limb Wound

AniCell’s StemWrap Amnion used to manage distal-limb leg injury
Warning! This case study contains pictures that are of a graphic nature.
AniCell is a biotech company that extends the ACTIVE life of animals using amniotic material to create all-natural regenerative products for veterinarians to use on tissue-related injuries.  Unlike our service-based competitors who harvest tissue by creating wounds to cure wounds or big Pharma drugs which treat symptoms, AniCell produces, with no harm to animals, affordable, field-ready amnion products available the same day as diagnosis.
Case Description â Leg Injury due to a trailer accident
A Thoroughbred mare named Luna was on her way home from a horse show when she became upset in the trailer and began kicking and thrashing violently. She severely injured her left hind leg, just above the hock on the lateral portion of the leg and just below the hock on the medial left hind leg. Dr. Deanna Gazzero from Southwest Equine was on call for emergencies and immediately stitched up the wound on the evening of November 8, 2015, in an effort to save the tissue. Lunaâs regular veterinarian, Dr. James Foley, used AniCellâs StemWrap and StemWrap Plus amnion products on the wound.
Initial injury November 12, 2015 – Day 4 after suturing by Dr. Deanna GazzeroÂ
In an effort to keep the tissue from devitalizing, Luna was administered StemWrap Plus the day after the injury by Dr. Foley.
Follow-up with StemWrap Plus after suturing â Nov.12, 2015
Unfortunately, Luna’s leg tissue became necrotic and devitalized tissue began to sluff.
Day 5 inspection after injury â Nov.16, 2015
Day 7 follow-up shows the impact of the StemWrap Plus under the devitalized tissue and the lack of infection. Â Yellow tinge (exudate) of the tissue is the result of the amnion.
Day 7 inspection after injury â Nov.18, 2015
Finally on November 20 (Day 9), the wound has totally sluffed devitalized tissue. Â Wound is debrided to use AniCell’s StemWrap Amnion biological bandage. Â Medial view shows the opening of two holes just under the hock. Â Only enough StemWrap product to address the upper hole.
Lateral wound is debrided to place StemWrap bio-bandage.
On November 25, Luna showed significant wound improvement to the lateral areas where AniCell’s StemWrap amnion biological bandage was used. Â Expectantly, Luna’s medial aspect shows the hole managed with amnion is completely closed with tissue in 5 days while the unmanaged hole continues to expand.
Day 5 inspection after partial application of StemWrap Amnion Biological Bandage
Nov. 30, 2015 – Day 10
Follow-up inspection on the November 30, eighteen days after the injury, shows medial wound contraction of the StemWrap applied area. The hole where amnion was not applied continues to expand to 1.25″ wide and .75″ deep.  Dr. Foley uses a 5x5cm StemWrap on the remaining would by placing the wadded up amnion in against the exposed bone at the back of the wound.
Radio graphs show sequestrum forming on the medial aspect of the exposed bone. Â The bone may have to be exposed to excise the devitalized bone. Lateral wound aspect continues to improve illustrating both contraction and reduced swelling after 5 days of placement of amnion.
Follow-up Checks after Amnion Placement – December 4, 2015
Four days after addressing 1.25″ wide and .75″ deep hole with a wadded-up piece of amnion, 1.1 cubic inches of tissue grew to fill the hole that had continued to grow. New radiographs illustrated that the sequestrum that was forming due to the exposure was now normal.  Lateral wound aspect continues to improve showing a contraction of 10% after 9 days after amnion placement.

Day 17 Inspection Post Usage #2 StemWrap (Day 35 total) â 12/15/15
Wound continues to heal without the need of additional applications.
Day 22 Inspection Post Usage #2 StemWrap (Day 40 total) â 12/21/15
Laterial wound left unwrapped. Typically would leave wound wrapped until healed.

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