Charm’s Lip Laceration

Charm, Sue Coleman’s 6 year old quarter horse mare, had an unfortunate lip injury in Canada on September 2018. After her lip failed to heal quite right, she had a surgery to repair her lip. Sue then brought Charm south for the winter and moved her care to Dr. Scott Meyer at Desert Equine in Queen Creek, Arizona.

Lip laceration after it happened.

Prior to first surgery to repair her lip

After first surgery to fix irregular healing of lip laceration.
Dr. Meyer after assuming care in Arizona, he then removed the sutures that had been applied in Canada. After inspection, the healing was not optimal and Dr. Meyer repaired Charm’s lip again; this time using StemWrap D in conjunction with the surgery. Charm saw a significant improvement in tissue regeneration over the next month.

November 5th, 2018 surgery to re-repair Charm’s lip.

Charm’s 2nd lip repair surgery

Ninteen days after surgery on November 30th, 2018

December 6th, 2018, 25 days post injection with StemWrap D and 30 days post surgery.

December 13th, 2018, 5 weeks post-op and 4 weeks after application of StemWrap D

Internal view of Charm’s Mouth 5 Weeks post-op, 4 weeks after application of StemWrap D
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