Cranial cruciate ligament surgery with CanisCell
Dr. Lucas Thomi of Apex Animal Hospital in Helena, Montana performed a Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) on “Flash” Henry’s right leg on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. Flash is a white and brown 9 year old female spayed Lab/Retriever mixed breed dog. Flash weighs 31.2 kg (68.6 pounds). In June 2014, Flash had a TTA done on her left hind leg so this makes her an excellent comparison candidate. At the 7 day post operation visit, Flash’s range of motion numbers at the hock and stifle are essentially equal to her other leg. Hip extension is still tender and she is lacking 4cm muscle mass. At the 2 week progress exam, sutures were removed and Flash is doing awesome. The owner reports that she is seeing a dramatically faster recovery after this surgery over the stifle surgery performed one year ago with PRP. The picture is of Flash sitting at 7 days post operation and a video of her walking.
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