Chemical Burn after Colic Surgery
Dr. Katherine Fertig of Orange County Equine Manages Non-healing Chemical Burn with AniCell’s StemWrap Product Line
After a colic surgery in March at a non-affiliated surgical center, Annie, a quarter horse mare developed a non-healing wound on it’s back which appeared to be a chemical burn post surgery. After 6 months of traditional treatment and no change in the wound for 90 days, Dr. Fertig of OC Equine used the EquusCell StemWrap product on the wound to provide a bioscaffold to encourage epithelialization of this chronic wound.

August 29th, 2018 – Prior to StemWrap

August 29th, 2018 – Prior to StemWrap
Dr. Fertig used one EquusCell 5x5cm StemWrap and two vials of the SW-D that was injected in 8 locations around the wound margins to encourage epithelialization. She then placed a “tie-over” bandage by placing loop sutures around the wound to tie the bandage over the wound.

September 26, 2018 – Wound after use of StemWrap
Twenty-eight days later, the open wound has shrunk by over 90.8%. The wound margins continuing to re-pigment showing a 24.6% reduction in wound size. Both the owner and Dr. Fertig are happy with the progress and will share upcoming pictures as well.
Contact us to find out how AniCell products are extending the active life of animals.