AniCell is a biotech company that extends the active life of animals through the development of quality biologic products that aid in wound management. Its initial product focuses on the use of amnion-derived bioscaffold material and growth factors. These...
PRESS RELEASE Chandler, AZ, February 10, 2016 – Today, AniCell Biotech launched its CanisCell product Line of regenerative products for the dog market. These products will be used for the wound management of tissue damage to tendons, ligaments, bones, ocular wounds...
The sound of sirens, the darkness of the skies, the uncontrollable wind … all are the telltale signs of one of mother nature’s most devastating natural disasters. They show up in an instant and can cause wide spread destruction indiscriminately across towns,...
Have you ever had a wound on your horse that just will not heal? Or how about the wound that consistently grows proud flesh no matter how many times you have cut and cauterized. These wounds are the bane of our horse owning existence. Preserved amniotic membrane and...
Dr. Lucas Thomi of Apex Animal Hospital in Helena, Montana performed a Tibial Tuberosity Advancement (TTA) on “Flash” Henry’s right leg on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. Flash is a white and brown 9 year old female spayed Lab/Retriever mixed breed...
What if there was a product for horses with wounds and leg injuries that allowed them to resume activities in half the time?* What if horses receiving that product were re-injured 5 times less* than with other treatments? What if this revolutionary product could be...
It’s not often a rancher’s wife breaks down in tears, but 6 years ago, Brandon Ames, CEO of AniCell Biotech, took an unexpected call from his mother that would launch a pivotal shift of regenerative veterinary medicine as we know it. On the heels of having to...
The Miracle of Childbirth may not be new or different – but what if that miracle was recycled to become a revolutionary, all-natural, regenerative products for horses with wounds and leg injuries as a much better, faster, safer and less expensive alternative to all...