AniCell Biotech provides regenerative products for horses
Featured on the Farm and Ranch Report on AgInfo.net
Audio version of this report
by KayDee Gilkey, reporter
AniCell Biotech is a relatively new company that has exciting regenerative products for horses’ tendon and ligament damages and hard-to-heal superficial wounds as well as eye wounds. AniCell Biotech CEO Brandon Ames shares several examples of how their products have helped wounded horses
Ames: “We just had a state vet in Pennsylvania who had a friend that had an eye ulcer case. They were going to remove the horse’s eye. We Fed-Exed the product to them overnight. They put AlloOcular which is our product in the eye and saved the eye. Twenty days after that, the horse could see to of that eye again. There was about a 3-millimeter hole in the eye. We’ve had a yearling filly that had absolutely acute barbwire wounds. The prognosis was to put her down because she would never walk a sound step. We applied the amnion bioscaffold and 20-days post she is walking without a limp in any way, shape or form and the wound contracted significantly.”
Ames continues with more of his products benefits, “We call it cheaper, faster, better and safer than anything on the market. When you take into consideration wound care on a horse typically is a morning and night application and continues for months not days. AniCell’s amnion application is one time and a supervised inspection every five days. And when the pricing on that is a couple of hundred bucks for a wound like that versus to some of the other ongoing treatments out there — it is a significant savings.”
Contact us to find out how AniCell Products are extending the ACTIVE life of animals.